Загородные гостиницы и отели Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia — 22
- 4,63 Accommodation
- 3,88 Food
- 4,13 Service
Малиновая слобода
- 4,40 Accommodation
- 4,00 Food
- 4,00 Service
- 4,40 Accommodation
- 3,90 Food
- 3,60 Service
- 4,50 Accommodation
- 5,00 Food
- 4,00 Service
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- 4,33 Accommodation
- 4,00 Food
- 4,67 Service
Гостевой Дом Никульское
- 4,00 Accommodation
- 3,00 Service
Русская Тройка
- 4,00 Accommodation
- 2,50 Food
- 3,00 Service
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There's little information about this hotel
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Green Street Hotel
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There's little information about this hotel
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Усадьба Дивное
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Кросс Кантри
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There's little information about this hotel
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Country House
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There's little information about this hotel
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Гостиница Технопарка Саров
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There's little information about this hotel
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