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Hotels Izmir, Turkey — 165

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Lebedos Princess Hotel

good for family
  • 4,29 Accommodation
  • 4,29 Food
  • 4,43 Сервис
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Villa Fokai

good for romantic
  • 5,00 Accommodation
  • 5,00 Food
  • 5,00 Сервис
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Teos Village


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Pasaport Pier Hotel

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Iyon Pansiyon

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Tav Airport Hotel Izmir


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Selena Hotel

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Olimpiyat Izmir

  • 4,50 Accommodation
  • 4,00 Food
  • 4,50 Сервис
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Grand Corner Boutique

Boutique Hotel

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Palmiye Pansiyon

Hotel Complex

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Ada Marin Suite Hotel

Hotel Complex

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Focamor Otel


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Viva La Vita Butik Otel


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Tasev Butik Otel


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Hotel 86 By Katipoglu


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Cesme Marin Butik Otel


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Burla Han Otel


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Menendi Hotel


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Kalem Adasi Oliviera Resort


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Mark Warner Phokaia Beach Resort


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Leon Hotel


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Navalia Hotel


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Royal Nas Resort


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