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Гостиницы и отели Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, Russia — 31

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Мега Палас Отель 4*

good for single or with friends
  • 4,67 Accommodation
  • 4,00 Food
  • 3,83 Service
  • 4,90 Animation
  • 4,90 Services for children
  • 4,90 Comfortable parking
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Гагарин 3*

good for business
  • 4,50 Accommodation
  • 4,00 Food
  • 4,00 Service
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Санта Ризот Отель 4*

good for business
  • 3,75 Accommodation
  • 4,25 Food
  • 3,75 Service
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Сахалин-Саппоро 3*

good for business
  • 4,00 Accommodation
  • 4,00 Food
  • 4,00 Service
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Империал Палас 3*

good for business
  • 5,00 Accommodation
  • 4,50 Food
  • 5,00 Service
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Сахалин Пасифик Плаза 4*

good for business
  • 5,00 Accommodation
  • 5,00 Food
  • 5,00 Service
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Митос Отель 3*

good for single or with friends
  • 5,00 Accommodation
  • 5,00 Food
  • 5,00 Service
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Панорама 2*


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Монерон 1*


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Ориенталь 3*


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Рубин 4*


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Земляничные холмы 3*

good for single or with friends
  • 4,00 Accommodation
  • 2,00 Food
  • 1,00 Service
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Tourist 3*

Hotel Complex

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Якорь (закрыт) 2*


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Mega Palace 4*


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Белый Снег


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Park Hotel

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Paradise Resort Hotel 4*


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Sunrise Hill Apart Hotel


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База Отдыха Елочки

Country hotel

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Гранд Охота 3*


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Lotus (Лотос) 3*


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Командор 3*


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