Selection of hotels for travel - 209


Top 10 Hotels in Adler (Russia)

На черноморском побережье Кавказа расположился гостеприимный городок Адлер. Завораживающие пейзажи, богатая культура и разнообразие интересных исторических мест привлекают сюда ежегодно большой поток туристов. Если вы еще не решили, где остановиться, тогда сегодня мы предлагаем Вам Топ-10 отелей Адлера, которые точно придутся вам по душе.

Black sea
20 Oct 2017

Top 10 Alanya hotels with unusual architecture

The Mediterranean climate, warm sea, multi-kilometer beach line and developed infrastructure of the resort make Alanya attractive for travellers. The popularity of the resort is determined by the availability of a variety of hotels on the coast. For those who plan to visit Alanya, we prepared the rating of hotels with unusual architecture and high marks from our users.

12 Oct 2017

Top 10 hotels in Sochi

Сочи по праву считается городом-курортом № 1 в России, неофициальной столицей российского юга. Море, горы и солнце, много солнца – все то, что нужно человеку для счастья. Здесь люди забывают о своих житейских проблемах и наслаждаются беззаботным отдыхом. Мы собрали для Вас Топ-10 отелей Сочи, на которые, по мнению наших пользователей, стоит обратить свое внимание.

Black sea
14 Sep 2017
United Arab Emirates

Top 10 Dubai Beach Hotels of 2017

Dubai is not just the largest city of the UAE, but a city that never ceases to amaze. It is constantly changing. Those who were in Dubai ten years ago no longer have the full right to say "I saw Dubai". Unchanged in Dubai is only the desire of its skyscrapers to new records and stunning grooming of local beaches. Today we invite you to get acquainted with our selection of beach hotels in Dubai.

Sea and beach
08 Sep 2017

Top 10 hotels in Side (Turkey) with a large territory

In the tourist Side the traveler can easily find a hotel for every taste and thickness of the wallet. But there is also a special "class" of hotels that have gathered on their territory all imaginable and unimaginable entertainment, parks and theme zones. On their territory you can wander for hours, enjoying the silence and coolness under the lush trees or plunging headlong into a noisy fun. We have prepared for you a selection of 10 Side hotels with a large territory, where everyone will find what to do.

Sea and beach
06 Sep 2017

Top 10 Turkey hotels with water parks

Many of tourists can’t even take a thought about their summer vacation at the resort without a water park. Since Turkey is a tourist country with a well-developed infrastructure, there are many water parks in it. Especially for water entertainment fans we compiled a selection of 10 Turkey hotels with nice water parks. Enjoy the summer to the fullest!

Entertainment and Sports
24 Aug 2017

Top 10 Hotels in Anapa

Анапа давно завоевала любовь отечественного туриста. Этот популярный курорт славится прекрасной природой, чистыми пляжами общей протяженностью 55 км, обилием памятников истории, самобытностью культуры и гостеприимством местных жителей. Мы собрали для Вас лучшие по оценкам наших пользователей отели Анапы, чтобы сделать Ваш отдых комфортным и незабываемым.

Black sea
22 Aug 2017

Top 10 hotels for out-of-town holidays

Отдых за городом - это отличная возможность отвлечься от городской суеты, насладиться красивой природой, чистым воздухом и набраться сил. В этой статье команда TopHotels собрала топ-10 загородных отелей.

31 Jul 2017

Top 10 St.Petersburg Hotels for 2016

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful and beloved cities in Russia. The TopHotels team has prepared a selection of Top-10 hotels in St. Petersburg. We selected hotels based on the reviews and ratings left by the guests of the hotel.

27 Jul 2017

Top 10 hotels in Crimea for family holidays

Крымский полуостров обладает уникальным климатом. Целебный воздух, насыщенный фитонцидами хвойных деревьев, ласковое солнце, теплое море и атмосфера приморских курортов - все это уже много лет делает Крым отличным местом для отдыха взрослых и детей. В этой статье собраны топ-10 отелей Крыма для семейного отдыха.

20 Jul 2017

Top 10 Hotels in Turkey with the Best Animation 2017

Турция давно заняла одно из лидирующих мест в списке самых популярных стран для пляжного отдыха. Это не удивительно, ведь с турецким сервисом мало кто может соперничать. Шикарные отели, чистые пляжи, теплое море, вкусная еда, ухоженная территория отеля и, конечно, анимация, которая не оставит равнодушным ни детей, ни взрослых. Команда TopHotels подготовила топ-10 отелей Турции с самой интересной анимационной программой.

Entertainment and Sports
06 Jul 2017

Top 10 Hotels for Family in Yalta

The resort town of Yalta has long been famous for its curative and climatic features. Due to the fact that the city is surrounded by a half-ring of mountains, there are no cold winds. The proximity of the sea and a large number of evergreen plants make the air healing. This is a rapidly developing resort, with a wonderful nature, interesting sights and hospitable hotels. The TopHotels team prepared the top-10 hotels of Yalta for family holidays for 2016.

Black sea
16 May 2017

Top 10 Istanbul Hotels for a Romantic trip

Istanbul is the place of the confluence of Europe and Asia. This city is a kaleidoscope of colors and contrasts, where modernity and antiquity, the heritage of different eras and religions, magnificent views of the Bosphorus and the stupefying aroma of sweets and spices intertwined. It is a beautiful, sensual, passionate and simultaneously romantic city. In this collection there are collected TOP-10 of Istanbul hotels for romantic trip.

04 May 2017

Top 10 Hotels in Abkhazia for 2016

Абхазия привлекает туристов чистым морем, свежим горным воздухом, захватывающими дух пейзажами и интересными достопримечательностями. Еще одно из богатств Абхазии - целебные минеральные воды, которые в сочетании с чистым воздухом, отлично способствуют крепкому здоровью. А благодаря местному климату курортный сезон длится с мая до начала октября. Команда TopHotels подобрала отели Абхазии, набравшие высокий рейтинг и максимальное количество отзывов за 2016 год.

Black sea
27 Apr 2017

Top 10 hotels of Tunisia for beach holidays

Mysterious and enchanting Tunisia has won the recognition of beach lovers long time ago. This country has a lot of natural, cultural and historical beauties and attractions. And in combination with modern hotels with a high level of service, Tunisia is becoming an excellent place for a quality comfortable stay. TopHotels team has prepared a Top-10 list of Tunisian hotels for beach holidays.

Sea and beach
31 Mar 2017

Top 10 Turkey hotels with the best Mini-clubs

Turkey attracts a large number of tourists every year. And this is not surprising, because it combines beautiful nature, warm sea, clean beaches, high-quality service and a wide range of entertainment and leisure for every taste and budget. This country will be a great place to relax with children, as most hotels are responsibly approaching the recreation of their young guests. he TopHotels team has prepared for you a selection of 10 hotels in Turkey with the best Mini-clubs.

21 Mar 2017

Top 10 boutique hotels in Istanbul

Istanbul - it is an amazing city that combines the energy of modern life with beauty of historic areas. Here were intertwined influence of various empires: the Ottoman, Roman and Byzantine. Each of them left a memory of itself, so the city is full of historical and cultural attractions. To fully enjoy the atmosphere of Istanbul, feel the atmosphere and flavor of the city of three cultures, it is the best to stay in boutique hotels. These small, cozy hotels, often occupies a historic building. The TopHotels team has prepared a selection of boutique hotels located within walking distance of most attractions of Istanbul.

30 Dec 2016

Top 10 hotels in Side for a family winter holiday

Side - is a small resort town on the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula, covered with pine and orange groves. Side combines history and modernity. In the old part of the city retained a large number of attractions: the ancient temples, watchtowers, ramparts. And the other part is occupied by a modern leisure center and magnificent hotels with high standards of care and service.

29 Dec 2016

Top 10 hotels in Antalya for winter family holidays

Due to its climate Antalya is well-suited for winter holidays. It will be not possible to take a dip in the sea , but to hide from the cold - an excellent work. Many attractions, exquisite nature, shopping, upscale hotels - that is what attracts tourists Antalya.

30 Nov 2016

Top 10 hotels in Belek for winter family holidays

Belek is a small resort town on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. It is famous for its pine and eucalyptus groves, sandy beaches and crystal clear sea. Summer is hot here and winter - soft. High quality hotels, beautiful nature, the most refined taste entertainment make the resort a perfect place for a family holiday.

16 Nov 2016

Top-10 sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineral Waters 2016

In the twentieth century holiday in Caucasian Mineral Waters was a significant event for any Russian - to go to Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk was prestigious. And to this day resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters attract tourists constantly. One of the forms of recreation that offer KavMinVody - sanatorium.

14 Nov 2016

Top 10 hotels for business trips in Sochi

Not everyone just have a rest in Sochi, many people visit the city as a business trip. The TopHolels present you the Top 10 business hotels in Sochi.

19 Jul 2016

Top 10 hotels in Sochi with the best children's animation

Sochi is the most famous and the most popular Russian resort. This is one of the few places in the world where skiing down on a snowy road in the day time, in the evening you can take a dip in the warm sea.

07 Jul 2016

Top-10 Tunisia beach resort hotels 4*

For many years Tunisia is considered one of the most attractive countries for the beach tourism with its variety of a choice of resorts.

Sea and beach
31 May 2016

Top-10 hotels for family vacation in Cyprus

Cyprus is one of the most popular beach destinations for the modern traveler. Lots of different beaches, green vegetation and proximity to the mountains still left nobody indifferent to this beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea.

13 May 2016

Top 10 Hotels in Turkey for Families with Children

Поэтому мы составили для Вас рейтинг Топ-10 отелей для семейного отдыха с детьми в Турции, в котором мы собрали отели, предоставляющие своим гостям массу услуг и развлечений для любого возраста. Различные виды бассейнов, водных горок и игровых площадок, детские мини-клубы, мастерские и кинозалы, аква-парки, зоопарки и даже луна-парки!

21 Mar 2016
Czech Republic

Top-10 three-star hotels in Prague near the Historic Centre

The capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, fascinates with its atmosphere, storing the traditions and spirit of old Europe. But even if you have a rich imagination, imagining all that once read or heard about this city, once here, you will be amazed, because in fact, Prague is even more beautiful.

29 Feb 2016

Top-10 Bali beach resort hotels 5*

Bali today - is one of the most popular and developed tourist resorts in Indonesia. In the last years, this island is gaining more and more active position in the travel space. And no wonder!

18 Feb 2016

Top-10 design hotels in Turkey 2015

Newly interested in the theme of "design-hotels", TopHotels team has prepared for you the rating "Top-10 Turkey design-hotels 2015".

04 Feb 2016

Top 10 Hotels for Family in Moscow Region

В вашей жизни скоро произойдёт знаменательное событие: юбилей, годовщина свадьбы или день рождения, и вы не знаете, где организовать праздничный банкет? А может хотите отдохнуть за городом со своей семьёй? Выбрав курорты Подмосковья, вы не прогадаете.

11 Jan 2016

Top-10 hotels in Bulgaria for skiers and snowboarders

Ski resorts in Bulgaria have always been very popular among Europeans. All categories of tourists feel comfortable in this country: skilled skiers as well as beginners, groups of friends and happy families with children.

Entertainment and Sports
28 Dec 2015

Top 10 City Hotels in Sochi

Не прошло и двух лет с того момента, как Сочи принял у себя Олимпиаду. Многие из Вас, кто еще не посетил это удивительное место, наверняка захотят узнать, чем ещё может порадовать туристов один из самых популярных курортов России?

Black sea
21 Dec 2015

Top 10 Turkey hotels with bright New Year programs 2015

Всех туристов, выбравших Турцию местом встречи Рождества и Нового Года, ждут роскошные гостиницы с внимательным персоналом, который приложит все силы, для того чтобы отдых удался на славу. Большинство отелей специально к праздничным каникулам готовят особенные развлекательные программы.

Entertainment and Sports
16 Dec 2015

Top-10 of 4-Stars beach hotels in Vietnam

An inimitable relaxing atmosphere and a feeling of absolute harmony, warm weather and a rich cultural heritage make resorts of Vietnam unique in its kind. Year after year this wonderful country with a pleasant tropical climate, situated on South China Sea shores, is becoming more and more popular among Russian tourists. A TopHotels team prepared a rating of beach hotels 4* for you to get familiar with this wonderful vacation destination.

Sea and beach
09 Dec 2015

Top 10 hotels with the most interesting loyalty program 2015

Получить подарок или скидку — это всегда приятно. А если Вы любите отдыхать и путешествовать, находить интересные и выгодные бонусы для своей поездки и, конечно же, хорошо проводить время на отдыхе с родными и друзьями, то новое предложение от команды TopHotels точно придется Вам по вкусу!

Loyality program
28 Sep 2015
United Arab Emirates

Top 10 4 stars hotels in UAE for a beach holiday

Отели Джумейры, Бурдж аль-Араб прекрасно знакомы даже тем, кто ни разу здесь не был. Все эти известные отели находятся в эмирате Дубай, но большинство хороших пляжных отелей находятся в соседних эмиратах. Поэтому сегодня TopHotels хочет рассказать вам о менее известных отелях категории 4*, которые, однако, ничуть не уступают в популярности своим знаменитым собратьям.

Sea and beach
23 Sep 2015

Top 10 Historic Hotels in Italy

Италия — страна, богатая неповторимой историей, культурой и, конечно же, кухней, покорившей весь мир. Но, кроме этого, Италия — это излюбленное место для «культурного» и «гастрономического» отдыха.

Luxury & premium
09 Sep 2015

Top-10 hotels with the best animation in Egypt

After our rating of hotels with the best animation in Turkey we're proud to present you hotels of Egypt with the best animation! Hotels listed in our rating provide excellent animation programs, that won't let you be bored during your vacation.

Entertainment and Sports
27 Aug 2015

Top-10 hotels for a beach vacation 3 and 4* on Phuket

Phuket island - one of the most popular places for beach holidays. The coast of this island is beautiful and diverse, and beaches are good for vacation of any class.

Sea and beach
12 Aug 2015

Top-10 hotels with the best animation in Turkey 2014

Most of the Russian tourists associate word “animation” with “entertainment”. Turkish animation fully meets the expectation of Russian tourists. TopHotels team has made a conclusion that hotel rank directly related to the animation quality.

Entertainment and Sports
29 Jul 2015

Top 10 Egypt hotels with the 16+ concept

Хотите отдохнуть в спокойной или романтической обстановке в Египте? Запросто! Мы подготовили очередной рейтинг топ-10 отелей Египта с концепцией 16+ - в этих отелях сделано все для вашего комфорта

22 Jul 2015

Top-10 kids-friendly hotels in Bulgaria

Bulgaria and it's beautiful family resorts have always been very attractive for Russian tourists. Also, vacation in Bulgaria is one of the most affordable in Europe. True hospitality, clean beaches, serene, mild and pleasant climate will make your holidays unforgettable! We prepared our traditional rating of hotels for a family vacation - Top-10 kids-friendly hotels in Bulgaria!

16 Jul 2015

10 design-hotels in Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain. What is the first thing come to mind? Sagrada Familia, Antoni Gaudi, the old town and the Gothic Quarter...Almost every building in this city is a monument of architectural or art design.

08 Jul 2015

Top-10 kid's-free hotels in Turkey 2014

Turkish hotels have traditionally been considered as the most suitable for a family vacation. But sometimes a real getaway is needed, far from restless kids and children animation. To have a romantic intimate trip or to go crazy with friends at the beach party. Or, for example, send your parents to a some place, where peace, quietness and high quality services will be provided for them.

26 Jun 2015

Top-10 hotels of Yalta

Vacation, Black Sea, Crimea... majority of Russians will continue this logical chain with "Yalta".

Black sea
19 Jun 2015

Top-10 kid's-friendly hotels in Egypt

Forget all your doubts about vacation in Egypt with children. You should definitely try that!

12 Jun 2015

Top 10 Hotels in Golden Ring, Russia

Золотое кольцо России - один из самых известных и популярных туристических маршрутов центральной части страны, включающий в себя 8 древнерусских городов: Сергиев Посад, Переславль-Залесский, Ростов Великий, Ярославль, Кострома, Суздаль и Владимир.

Central Russia
08 Jun 2015

Top-10 hotels for a beach vacation in Greece

Greece - is an wonderful country of ancient heroes, gods and myths. Its rich historical heritage attracts tourists from all over the world. And yet one of the main attractions of this beautiful country are islands and beaches. Crete, Kos, Rhodes, Continental Greece - almost 14 thousand kilometres of coastline, where you can find a variety of beaches - cosy and intimate bays among rocks, azure sea with golden sand, small pebbles and crystal clear water.

Sea and beach
04 Jun 2015

Top-10 luxury hotels in Turkey 2014

Exclusive services with proper attention to every little detail are provided in luxury hotels: from richly furnished rooms and interiors of the hotel to special meals serving and silver cutlery.

Luxury & premium
29 May 2015

Top-10 hotels with thalasso-centers in Tunisia

Tunisia is the only country where standards of thalassotherapy are set on the state level and controlled by ministry of health and tourism. At this moment there are more than 30 centers functioning on resorts of Tunisia.

15 May 2015
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