Sign up: 11.08.16
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Vacation as a Family with children in
August 2016
01.08.16 - 11.08.16
- Do not recommend the hotel


1 accommodation

1 service

4 food

Complaint - does not affect the rating

Ужас ужас не за что не едьте суда

Нет сна клуб долбит по голове ..., море долеко.арабы бабы купаются в парандже это не гигеенично срвис говно. Арабы дерутся в бассейне ,кальянщик красава тащит весь отель. Аниматоры плохие не в адеквате. Очень много народу. А один ресторан и мест не хватает. Номера старые. Полотенца грязные воруют все что найдут кражи каждый день море не чистое но очень классное. Русских не увожают. Бабушку до слез довели. Охрана с аугами ходит. Ночью даже воды не найдешь. По русскому не кто не понимает. Постель страшная не меняют. Порезался об плитку. Обманывают на деньги.музыка говно как будто в храме 24 7. Лифт не работает.


Алексей voted hotel services

1.8 Services and maintenance quality

2.7 Suitable for a holiday

3.3 Beach

3.7 Children services

1.0 Location convenience

2.8 Rooms

3.6 Hotel infrastructure

View all
еда алкоголь кальян
администраторы аниматоры пляж арабыыыы 75% не русских
Added 11.08.16 03:33 (616 characters in the review)
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19:10 20.08.16

Dear Leha,
Thank you for having time to share this review on TopHotels.
However, we feel the answer in your opinion as it seems to be misleading to other travellers.
Regarding the rooms, we are a hotel classified as 4 star on the international stage, and have world standard high quality and certified and here is the proof that we sum in full. Sea View is on extra and all the tour operator are informed about that.
Moreover, when you talk about the guest that suicide in our hotel, he has spent a lot time lonely in the room since his arrival, he was depressed and the embassy has all the details.
For the beach, we have extra staffs that come every morning to clean our private beach.
We have 3 restaurants: barbecue and beach club and one buffet which offer a variety of food (fish-tunisian, Italian, Asiatic, Mediterranean....)
We take all the information of your comments as valuable and we strive to exceed your expectations of a vacation in your next stay among us. We would like to have the opportunity to serve you again on your future vacations.
Best Regards

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