Sign up: 23.01.19
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Vacation as a Family with children in
January 2019
12.01.19 - 19.01.19
- Recommend this hotel


5 accommodation

5 service

5 food

Gratitude - does not affect the rating

Благодарю вас родные!!!!

Благодарю вас родные, все ,кто заботился о нас и окружал заботой и любовЬю !!!! отдохнули и многому научилисЬ и удивилисЬ как всё с любовЬю в отеле налажено !!!! самые тёплые пожелания аниматорам - просто волшебные люди, для которых их работа- образ жизни! Восхищаемся вами !!!

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Added 23.01.19 14:48 (277 characters in the review)
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17:07 23.01.19

I appreciate all the crew of the Sun Rise Hotel. Everyone who took care of me and my children. Especially the group of animators who paid a very close attention to us all day long. We really appreciate you for the rgreat time we spent in your hotel. The territory of the hotel was absolutely cozy. We felt that we have been taken care of every second. From the moment we woke up till the moment we were falling asleep. All this time we were surrounded with attention of the hotel crew. The hotel crew is very friendly and accurate. Especially, I would like to note a very special attention to children. This vacation was very active for us since we always had a lot of different activities and opportunties every day. Every moment was very pleasant. We are so happy we had a chance to sunbathe on the beach. The food was right at hand, we could bring it to the beach. We appreciate you for an amazing garden. We also appreciate your country for its amazing nature, weather, sun rise and sun sets. I met many different people from aroudn the world. Had a fantastic language practice. My children made friends with other kids as well. It was a very interesting experience. We are very thankful to the cooks and waiters. The food was amazing. Absolutely delicious. The kids loved the pizza especially. They loved watching the cook make the pizza. It was very good and interesting food. Everyday the cooks surprised us with the quisine of the different countries. We tried the quisine of Mexica, Egypt and other different countries. We simply admired the job of the whole crew of the hotel. The hotel managemenet deserves a special thanks for organizing thsi amazing project. I am very thankful to my English teacher, Said Makhmudov, who helped me broaden my knowledge of English and be closer to the world, feel myself free among different people of the Planet. I also really appreciate my children who were with me. They are my best teachers in everything and everywhere.

15:58 27.01.19

Уважаемая Anita
Солнечный привет и самые лучшие пожелания от SUNRISE Garden Beach Select
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