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Отзыв об отеле Memories Varadero Beach Resort, Resonance Varadero, Memories Varadero Beach Resort (отель был переименован 01.11.24)
Vacation as a Family with children in
March 2020
21.03.20 - 24.03.20
- Recommend this hotel


4 accommodation

4 service

4 food

Mini-reviews - does not affect the rating

Rest in March 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to kindly ask for confirmation that some services were suspended during my family's stay at your hotel from March 21 to March 24, voucher number is 4793234.

Within our stay we unfortunately experienced some lack of the service this hotel should have been provided. For example, the bars on the beach were closed, as well as the water slides. Animation team did not worked either. Furthermore, a large part of the dining area was closed and we had to queue every time we were going to have a meal. Besides this, all the pools were closed on the last day of our stay.

(I understand that the personnel are not to blame for this) I need this confirmation, so I can show it to my travel agent and to get a repeated tour to your hotel.

I've already wrote to ejecutivo.ventas@memoriesvaradero.co.cu two weeks ago, but I did not got any feedback yet.

Thanks in advance.

Added 18.05.20 11:42 (905 characters in the review)
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