Pellegrino Hotel  4*
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Pellegrino Hotel 4*

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Read more about the service “Request a hotel room with 10% discount“

The service sends your request to the hotel and confirms your membership in the TopHotels travel community.
Your status in the community will be appreciated by hoteliers in any country in the world.
More than 50 million travelers annually turn to TopHotels to find the right accommodation facility for themselves.

We value each user and hope that our service will help you get additional benefits.

Service work order

1. Your request goes to the hotel reservation department;

2. TopHotels helpdesk requests a discount on your dates;

3. Hotelier specifies available rooms;

4. If the hotel confirmed the discount on your dates, you will receive a notification;

5. After receiving the confirmation, payment for the accommodation is subject to the terms and rules of the hotel.

Please, attend!

1. After receiving the confirmation, the user pays for accommodation directly to the hotel (on the hotel web-site, at the reception and etc.), without using any third-party services.

2. Terms and payment rules are set by the hotel.

3. If the accommodation is not paid on time, the hotel may cancel the discount on your reservation.

4. The discount can only be provided for booking a hotel room directly. When booking a tour or a room on third-party sites, the program discount is not provided.