Регистрация: 08.05.21
Страны, города: 1 / 1
Отзывов: 1
Комментариев: 0
Читательский охват: 1137
Фото: 0
Отдыхала Парой в
апреле 2021
20.04.21 - 28.04.21
- Не рекомендую отель


5 размещение

1 сервис

2 питание

Корректный отзыв - влияет на рейтинг

Horrible stay at the hotel HERITANCE AHUNGALLE 5*

The view from the window was wonderful. Silence and pacification ... I suppose there would be more positive reviews, if not for one BUT!

According to the internal rules of Sri Lanka and the host hotel, we had to have negative COVID-19 test results no older than 72 hours from the date of delivery. The document was, the document was drawn up in accordance with the requirements. At the hotel we were greeted warmly, given tea, which seemed strange, since we had to take a test before checking in. At home, in Ukraine, it is a mandatory requirement not to eat or drink anything before taking the test. Then we were taken to a room that did not at all resemble a laboratory or a medical office. The person who took the swabs was wearing matching clothes but did not have a badge. Therefore, we did not know who this person was. At home, in any laboratory, the labeling of test tubes with the taken analysis was carried out in front of me, everything was shown and told. Here my husband and I were transferred to sit on a chair, facing the window, all manipulations with our analyzes were carried out behind our back! The containers were not shown to us how the tubes were labeled. Once collected, the tests were placed in a plastic bag that was lying on the floor. Later, we learned that our test was lying on the floor in a room at a temperature of 30 degrees. Then we were warned that until we got the result we were forbidden to leave the room and order food by phone. But no one said that it was necessary to wait for the test result at least 48 hours! This is minus two days from the tour we paid for !!! On the third day, when we started calling all authorities, we were told that the test results were positive. HOW can this be ???

The Ukrainian test is negative, there are no symptoms, my husband and I have already been ill with COVID-19 !!! We did not agree with this result, so we requested another test from any other laboratory. BUT we were told that no other laboratory would be allowed into the hotel. The hotel doctor is the only one who has the right to take tests on this territory. Then there was a relocation to a closed hotel, but that's another story.

Regarding the Heritance Ahungalla hotel - none of the staff has ever asked how we are doing, maybe we need something !!! The staff of the host tour operator was in touch with us. The fact that we paid for the all inclusive tour turned out to be profitable for the hotel! WARNING: the test turned out to be false! We still managed to get the tests again. Test = negative, we were not sick! Vacation ruined! The nerves are frayed! The impression about Sri Lanka, the Indian Ocean and especially about the Heritance Ahungalla hotel is the most negative! If in the future we still have a chance to visit Sri Lanka, then we will bypass this hotel !!!

We returned home without ever seeing the ocean! And thank God we have not contracted COVID in this country!

Don't risk it, be at home during this hectic time! The laws and protocols in this country are strange and not logical!

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no pluses
Добавлено 08.05.21 20:17 (3 052 символов в тексте)

12:22 06.12.21

Спасибо огромное за отзыв, жаль что он у Вас был испорчен. Да, в современном мире, где болея приходят отрицательные тесты, а не болея - положительные (ложноположительные) ехать куда-то это лотерея. Еще раз спасибо за отзыв, приятно было читать хороший английский!)

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