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Отзыв об отеле Elize Beach Resort, Majesty Elize Beach (отель был переименован 01.12.13)
Отдыхал в
августе 2004
01.08.04 - 15.08.04
- Воздержался


2 размещение

1 сервис

1 питание

Корректный отзыв - влияет на рейтинг

As memoirs are fresh, the soul asks to tell about this...

As memoirs are fresh, the soul asks to tell about this strange hotel. It was possible to us with my wife to appear there from 17.08.04 till 28.08.04. Were tempted on beautiful kinds of hotel on the Internet and on assurances of it 5- star and UALL. Have lodged us in 3 floor case on з-м a floor without the lift so in sports were engaged every day. The room from the category a la 2-stars, in a toilet is not present an extract, so ambre the ambassador... was corresponding. Territory of hotel small. Besides the Italian hotel with dancings and dances up to one o'clock in the morning opposite settled down so to miss time was not.

Yes nearly has not forgotten. As soon as have arrived, a certain impudent porter Ahmed has there and then clung for 5 dollars, has seized suitcases and has dragged in супер the case.. On a way, I had imprudence to ask concerning rent of a motor scooter. It has lovely suggested to take advantage of services located directly opposite to an input in hotel of firm Ozer Tour (Rent a car) where us have thrown on 100 dollars (technology of a deceit can specify at the guide).

Now concerning a feed. As it was found out UALL at all does not mean drinks of import manufacture, and it appears round-the-clock consumption of turkish liquids under the name beer "Тuborg" (the water diluted up to impossibility with a smell of beer), the alcoholic drinks causing a sharp heartburn especially white and red wines. For a breakfast a unique consolation with own hand squeezed orange juice from rotten oranges one manual pressing machine on all and turn of minutes on 15 was. Also the atmosphere was freshened by the become impudent waiters slightly hopping only before not numerous Germans. Salads were especially remembered. In a course there was at all not eaten macaroni water mayonnaise, add spices and here to you new salad. Concerning other dishes it is absolutely not tasty. Products not fresh, (do not take in head to take an omelette a poisoning it is provided) .В the general the chief-cook obviously not the professional. Obvious larceny .Теперь concerning turkish night of such parody I yet did not meet plus. Usually Turks expose all best, and here all same, as for a dinner only around of pool plus fool animators.

Yes nearly has not forgotten about a sauna and a turkish bath. There there are crests and the become impudent Turks. On the request to give pure towels: answer - is not available. To give some tea: the answer a teapot . To fill menthol: answer-menthol harms to your eyes. On the request to include a fireplace: to not like водички on stones подлейте (it in 50 that of degrees). In shower booth a dirty. Do not take in head to float in pool an infection it is provided. In general, a full parody. And the hotel goes down as that all at once. Starting from a hairdressing saloon where had imprudence to have hair cut (a full plague), finishing отельным the doctor-extortioner (60 dollars for a small bandage on a leg). Yes, I should recollect waterslides (especially dark blue). The stream of water so weak what to have to go downwards on foot. In general economy in all and on all (it for 5 that of stars). The part of territory of hotel is sold what that to Turks (about what says the green tablet with an inscription the Private property) the Ignorant person if it will want to be shaken on a swing or in a hammock after a supper will be removed , that with us and happened. On a beach stubs and dust.

In general for 2500 dollars we have received unforgettable impression.

Sincerely I wish success

Добавлено 30.08.04 18:02 (3 563 символов в тексте)
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