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Vacation as a With family in
April 2019
01.04.19 - 30.04.19
- Recommend this hotel


5 accommodation

5 service

5 food

Correct review - affects rating

Лучшее место на земле!

We spend our holidays for many years in the hotel Mitsis Alila and from year to year it is becoming more and more modern and very good for a relaxing and comfortable stay. Of course, Rhodes we love especially, so in this hotel we always come, as if in our family.

Thanks to efforts of General Manager Mr. Lefteris Tsoukalas, the hotel is calm and tidy. The whole team of the hotel is well-chosen-all very friendly, sociable and ready to help in any matter.

It should be noted the excellent work of the F&B Manager Dimitris Chios. Restaurants and bars are on top-level. Everything is under the full and constant control of Dimitris, no fuss and nervousness-only a clear performance of their duties, although all this is a huge daily hard work and care for the guests of the hotel. In the main restaurant there are a lot of Chef's meals, products of excellent quality, beautiful serving and everywhere the experienced hand of the Chef G. Ftaklas, new Pastry Chef C. Chemionas (desserts become more sophisticated and varied) and other staff (I would like to highlight the quality of bread products-its all daily fresh and delicious).

Very friendly all the staff of the main restaurant. Caring Manager Dimitris Fanios, always smiling and sweet Nana, waiters George and George, who work on the veranda.

A wonderful idea of the hotel management - brunch. This is especially true for an adult sophisticated audience,. Nevertheless, the start time, in my opinion, is a little late (preferrably to serve it earlier not to miss morning sea). The only wish-is not enough textile and paper napkins in restaurants of such level for a full table setting .

Beach bar - cool cocktails, fragrant Greek coffee, delicious ice cream, fruits. And all this with a smile and jokes of wonderful staff - Teo, Natalia, Yannis, Vangellis, Iordanis - fun, friendly, active team of super professionals.

This year we really enjoyed the animation on the beach with the cheerful beauty Veronica and athletic Nico. Incendiary Zumba, stretching, Pilates , water aerobics, volleyball and other activities are offered every day.

In the night bar-the genius of cocktails handsome Spyros and waiters Poppi, Yannis, Michalis and Julia will create a very pleasant atmosphere of evening animations, where again shines the sorceress Leida in tandem with the stylish Valentina, the NIMA and ENCORE bands and wonderful jazz duet. Our desire to the evening animation is to be conducted with Greek nights with national songs and dances, the national colors. And of course, the new discovery of Mr. Lefteris - Bar managers Poppi and Nikita, so different, but cute and sociable-always on duty, will find a place at the evening performances, put at a table and will not leave without attention.

The territory of the hotel-well maintened lawns, new spreading palm trees, neat and tidy everywhere-in the hotel and on the street, everywhere you feel the hand of the Manager Ilias Kasiotis.His presence is always invisible, but very important.

The main face of the hotel are the Reception and the Guest Relation. At the reception there are always lovely girls-Maya and Tatiana, have a rare gift - they speak Russian perfectly. This is a very important fact, because every year the number of Russian tourists are increasing .For more comfortable stay guests often want to talk in their native language, and if necessary, the girls easily give good advice,solve any problems and misunderstandings. And when you meet on arrival at 7-00 am smiling Maya or Tatiana, and with them cheerful Nestor, you know, you returned to the family.

If you have problems with the rooms you can ask for help of Manager Manolis. He is always tactful and fair, ready to help at any opportunity. And he has a great support of Guest relations Aphrodite and Stella.

We also much appreciate that the hotel organises parties and events . An example is the celebration of Easter this year. A trip and escort to the Church in Faliraki, late dinner and traditional Greek soup were organized in the morning, a large program during the day-roasted sheep on the lawn, a party was organized with the participation of hotel staff headed by Mr. Lefteris. Very nice moment - party for member of Mitsis Friends club, where you can have a coctail with hotel management, to express your wishes and have a great time.

In my opinion, in order to preserve the amazing air and sophisticated atmosphere of the hotel, it is necessary to consider the possibility of recreation only for adult guests, because in the full load seasons it is quite noisy, the evening animations are full of young children, for which there is not always parental control. The restaurants are also quite noisy, and the range of food-not quite for children. In the group of Mitsis hotels there are enough hotels that specialize in holidays with children, but none for adult guests only.If this concept is not possible, please set aside areas in restaurants and on the beach for adults only.

We are kindly ask management to reward above mentioned people because they made the warm atmosphere of vacation within your family and dear friends!

With a huge sincere gratitude to Mr. Lefteris Tsoukalas and his wonderful team of adherent people.

Замечательная команда отличное питание ухоженная территория прекрасный дизайн отеля авторская кухня
Такого типа отель должен быть только для взрослых гостей
Added 24.05.19 10:12 (5 255 characters in the review)
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11:15 24.05.19

Добрый день, уважаемые гости.

Прежде всего, от имени Mitsis Hotels желаем Вам хорошего дня и поблагодарим за написание отзыва о нашем отеле.
Нам очень приятно слышать, что Вы остались довольны услугами нашего отеля.
Ещё раз хотим поблагодарить Вас за то, что потратили своё драгоценное время на написание отзыва. Очень надеемся, что Вы еще раз выберете наш отель для проведения своего отдыха.

С уважением,
Представитель отелей Mitsis в России

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