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Отдыхал Парой в
октябре 2015
09.10.15 - 17.10.15
- Рекомендую отель


5 размещение

5 сервис

5 питание

Благодарность - не влияет на рейтинг

All was good!

Hello everyone!

I’ve been in this hotel at 2015 autumn. It placed on the coast of Mediterranean Sea in small town called Genyik.

When we checked in this hotel and see our suite we scared. It was a small room at zero floor near kitchen. I decided to change it. Went to receptionist and ask to give another suit. Also, because it was autumn, it was a small amount of travelers at hotel. So he gave us another suit. It was wonderful. First of all it was for 3 persons, there was two of us. It have higher grade than first one. And mainly this suit has panoramic windows!! That was a great beginning of our journey.

We have tasty breakfast/dinners with huge amount of delicious. Our lazy evenings are spends in hotel with an animators or walking though Genyik. We have a short trip to Antalya oceanarium it costs 3$ for bus and 35$ for tickets, it’s worth it.

I hope it was helpful, Denys.

Добавлено 31.10.17 13:13 (897 символов в тексте)
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