Регистрация: 23.06.19
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Отзыв об отеле Telmessos Hotel (отель был переименован 01.03.22)
Отдыхала В одиночку в
июне 2019
12.06.19 - 22.06.19
- Рекомендую отель


5 размещение

5 сервис

5 питание

Мини отзыв - не влияет на рейтинг

Holiday in paradise Oludeniz

There are small but comfortable rooms, every day cleaning, and changing towels, delicious food, good and smiling staff, funny animation team, big green blooming teritory, three pools, one of them with slides, near to dining room and pools there is abar with free local alcohol and non alcohol drinks from 10am till 11pm, animation for children and adults all day long (starts at 10am).They have professional photographers making pictures every day.Also i am very thankful to the hotel's administrators Mustafa and Hatice, they are allways ready to help you in any situations and answer any questions in any time.Hotel is only 3.5 km from oludeniz beach, you can use transfer (4.25 TL per person) to get to the public beach or you can use free hotel transfer (+20TL for sunbed and umbrella).Also Fethiye is only 15 min by bus.Good infrastructure and nearby a lot of stores, cafes, restaurants, bars and clubs, clinic and private doctors etc., all you need you can find only in 5 min by walking

Фото туриста отеля

Территория отеля

Фото туриста отеля

Территория отеля

Фото туриста отеля


Плюсы отеля
Territorry meal good staff
Минусы отеля
Small rooms
Добавлено 23.06.19 02:15 (992 символов в тексте)
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